Translations for the energy, gas and environmental protection sectors with technical, legal and economic topics.

Oil, gas and energy translation servicesDue to the latest technological solutions and our staff working 24 hours a day, we are able to provide high quality translation services in this sector and fully execute every project entrusted to us. Extensive knowledge and skills of our employees enable us to provide comprehensive support for our customers – starting from the translation of a research in geology, product data sheets, HSE reports, to providing interpreters for international meetings and negotiations between sellers and distributors of energy or for staff training.

Leading energy companies (investors in the energy market, power plants, heat and power plants, energy distribution companies, industrial plants) trusted us and use our services in the area of linguistic support and international communication.

High quality

The energy sector is a currently strongly developing branch of the economy. It is not devoid of harsh laws of the market and strong competition. Nowadays an energy consumer has the choice and does not have to put up with the monopolistic solution. To convince a customer to use your services, take care of every aspect of the scope of your business, including translations of your industry-specific documents and entrust them to us – the company for whom quality is paramount.

Short delivery time

We process the orders smoothly. The waiting time for ready-made texts is short thus ensuring that they do not lose their value. We are able to provide services at the highest level because we constantly cooperate with a large number of translators who approach your project individually and devote their full attention to it. In addition, communication between you and us, and between members of our team is always carried out quickly and efficiently.

Substantive Preparation

We are aware of the fact that the heating industry or the fuel industry is associated with the knowledge of the highly specialized vocabulary. Therefore, to meet your needs, we employ skilled employees who have experience in translating projects from your industry. Thanks to this, documents you publish are correct and free of errors, both substantive and stylistic as well as spelling errors.

Cost optimisation

We have optimised our work techniques, the coordination of projects and cooperation of various departments to the extent that they have become very efficient. This makes the cost of our actions optimal and thus our rates will certainly be attractive for you. As a result, you will get high quality at a reasonable price while having a legitimate belief that you invest your capital well.

If you are wondering how much the translation will cost,
send us your text to get a free quotation with no obligation.

We cooperate with experts who will provide support in translating, e.g.:

  • Concession for trade of liquid fuels;
  • Concession for electricity generation;
  • Concession for exploitation of minerals;
  • Technical and economic analyses;
  • Design documentation;
  • Technical specifications;
  • Contracts for the provision of energy distribution services;
  • Contracts for the sale of heat and electricity;
  • Contracts for the sale of gas and fuel oil;
  • Connection agreements;
  • Tender documentation;
  • Descriptions of equipment and energy technology;
  • Operation and maintenance documentation;
  • Documentation of geological deposits.
Our team of professionals has broad experience in such areas as:

  • Facilities and Services;
  • Mining and Production;
  • Production of energy;
  • Customers / End Users;
  • Industry;
  • Refining;
  • Power Transmission;
  • Trade and Marketing;
  • Renewable Sources and Utilities.
Translation of texts in the field of renewable energy sources:
  • Biomass energy
  • Geothermal energy (geothermics)
  • Solar radiation energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydropower

Comprehensive translation services for energy companies

Highly developed companies related to the energy industry rely on our services. We translate for companies engaged in the acquisition of renewable energy, dealing with the distribution of liquid fuels, operators of the mining industry, and the companies present on the shale gas market.
  • Petroleum
  • Hydropower
  • Biofuels
  • Coal
  • Nuclear energy
  • Solar energy
  • Natural gas
  • Wind energy
  • Geothermal energy

Specialized vocabulary in translations for the energy industry

There is no doubt that high quality of technical translations is determined primarily by the correct translation of specialized terminology. Therefore, it is good to order this type of translation to be performed by experts who use trade words and phrases use every day. Specialists in the energy industry, cooperating with our translation company, will perform for you thoroughly reliable translations, paying special attention to technical nomenclature, particularly to:

  • vocabulary related to theoretical and practical recognition of energy security (e.g. a chain of energy conversion, energy mix, energy intensity of the economy, import infrastructure capacity, virtual/real reverse flow gas pipeline, interconnectors, high-efficiency cogeneration, diversification of energy sources, indexation to oil prices, spot contracts);
  • guidelines for energy programs (e.g. The Clean Development Mechanism, Joint Implementation, forced generation, Operation and Maintenance of Transmission Grid Manual);
  • names of the institutions responsible for energy policy (e.g. Energy Department of the Ministry of Economy, Energy Regulatory Office, Energy Market Agency, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy of the European Parliament, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators);
  • titles of legislation and energy projects (e.g. Polish Energy Policy until 2030, the Energy Charter Treaty, the Third Liberalization Package for the Gas and Energy Market, the Climate and Energy Package 3 × 20).

Professional translation services

 Have a question? We're here for you

+48 888 500 123
+48 881 500 123

Monday-Friday, 9.00-17.00 Central European Time (CET)

Email Us: [email protected]

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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Comprehensive translation services for companies in the energy sector

Translations of laboratory tests

Initiating technological progress requires investing in the development. To be sure that your laboratory tests methodology is appropriate from the beginning, you must have translations of all materials related to it. Our agency offers accurate scientific translations of technical specifications, schedules, measurement and test results. Each text is thoroughly checked before delivery so that you can be sure that the readers in different countries will understand it.

Translations of patents

In the world of modern technology it is vital to pave the way in a specific area of science. If the solution developed by specialists in your company is so unique and innovative that it is possible to apply for the patent, you should make every effort to ensure that the translation services connected with it go smoothly. Our company offers translations of manuals, descriptions and all other documents necessary for the effective registration of your invention.

Translations of the EU projects

The accession of our country to the European Union has opened many doors for entrepreneurs to satisfactory business relations with partners from other regions. One of the advantages of these political decisions has become the ability to raise funds for building or developing the existing businesses. However, in order to successfully apply for them and settle them properly, you need to know the regulations, laws and directives in force, which change every year. Therefore, entrust translating the documentation related to this issue to the professionals who have been dealing with it for years. Write to us and we will certainly present competitive terms of cooperation.

Technical Translations

In your machine park there are probably many devices the operation of which is know only by trained specialists. It is often required of them to have specific permits or certificates, so that the machinery is operated in compliance with occupational health and safety standards. Hold this level by ordering at our company technical translations concerning machines used in your enterprise. We will do it professionally.

Translations for mining industry

Mining of coal and other mineral or organic raw materials is a powerful branch of industry, the terminology of which is often unique and requires a lot of expertise. We have many years’ experience in translating texts that are dedicated to mining. If you are interested in ordering translations of documents related to surveying, transport, communications systems or geology, please contact us by e-mail or by phone. Our offer will certainly interest you.

Translations of Newspaper Articles

If you run a company, you are perfectly aware of the fact that good PR and media relations are extremely important to shape a positive image of your company. You must remember that a lot depends on high-quality documents that you publish in newspapers and on the Internet. If you are looking for a company that will translate into Polish foreign language articles about your services or that will perform the translation of texts written by your experts in your native language, contact our representative to discuss the details of the cooperation and the pricing.

Translations of scientific publications

Scientific publications require the knowledge of specialized terminology. To properly translate such a text into a foreign language it is not enough to be a good translator. It is necessary to have substantive knowledge in the field. In the energy sector it is also strongly advisable because of the many different sources of acquiring energy and methods of processing and distributing it.
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